Stanford Primary


Physical Education

Intent and Overview

By the time the children leave Stanford Primary School they will be fit, healthy and well-balanced individuals. During their time at Stanford, pupils will be given a wide and exciting range of sporting and fitness opportunities in which to partake at any level of experience or ability. The balanced curriculum provides a platform for children to develop at their own pace, whilst gaining key knowledge and understanding around the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and a daily exercise routine.

Pupils will have the chance to take part in a wide variety of competitive sports (provided by coaches and class teachers alike), such as netball, hockey, basketball, football, tag-rugby and cricket; as well as developing flexibility and co-ordination through gymnastics and dance.  There are also additional benefits from visitors to the school.  Previously the pupils enjoyed workshops from a skipping specialist, which has successfully fed into PE warm-up sessions, and also playground skipping activities.




Every year, we guarantee a high level of fun, competitive spirit through an inter-house sports day. This is well-attended by families and highlights the sporting achievements and resilience from all competitors, regardless of their level or experience.   

To develop and enhance this enthusiasm for sport, pupils are regularly exposed to numerous competitive events, organised by the school cluster groups or the Merton Schools Sports Partnership (MSSP).  We aim to prepare a variety of pupil groups for these competitions, through clubs offered and additional preparation in PE sessions.  In recent years the successes have been well-received; with many of our participants reaching the finals of tag-rugby, handball, athletics, girls’ and boys’ football and cricket.

In addition to weekly PE sessions, pupils are also exposed to a variety of sports clubs, like football, multisports, gymnastics, cricket and basketball.  In conjunction with this, children are also encouraged to take part in a variety of physical activities during break times.

By the end of their journey at Stanford, we will ensure that the children have the best chance possible to improve their swimming technique and aim to swim 25 metres at a local leisure centre. Pupils begin to swim in Year 3 (Summer Term) and compound this in Year 4 (Autumn and Spring Term). This will be further consolidated with booster sessions at the end of Year 6.

Throughout their daily life at Stanford, children will be encouraged to eat healthily during break times, and make appropriate choices on whether they walk, scooter or cycle to school.  Keeping active as a family is our key aim.

To make sure pupils maintain a good level of fitness and outdoor activity, we will use our Sports Premium  budget to develop our wildlife area, having already purchased new outdoor fitness equipment, so that exercise is only ever a short distance away!


 PE Curriculum Map

Skills Overview


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